School program

"Eco" Art

Art from Nature

All levels, 90 minutes

Free for Porirua schools, or $2 per child per programme.

This is a permanent programme for a maximum number of 30 students per session

Environmental art 

We check out the work of international environmental artist Andrew Goldsworthy (UK)  inspiring students to use natural materials to create fleeting artworks 'in nature'. Students can safely make rain shadows, stone spirals and ‘paint’ with petal colours in our outdoor courtyard.

Photograph the artistic endeavours of your students (the standard practice of Goldsworthy), so nothing is taken away from the environment.

Curriculum Links

Health and Physical Education – People and the Environment; Visual Arts - Developing Ideas

Contact us

Email [email protected] or phone (04) 237 3551 if you'd like us to tailor a programme to meet your learning goals.