School programme

Taonga Tuku Iho

Treasures of our Past

Years 1-10. 90 min

Free for Porirua schools, or $2 per child per programme.

This is a permanent programme for a maximum number of 30 students per session

What makes something a treasure/taonga?

We investigate what makes something a treasure/taonga. Does it have to have a monetary value? Family treasures remind us of past events and family members. These treasures are not necessarily objects but can be names, stories, places, recipes, songs/haka as well as photos, medals, clothing, toys and documents etc. We will then focus upon the hei tiki - an important Māori family taonga and view some pounamu hei tiki in the museum’s collection. Students will then be able to make their own hei tiki to treasure and wear

Curriculum Links

Social Sciences - all strands; Health and Physical Education - Personal Identity; Arts – Visual Arts

Contact us

Email [email protected] or phone (04) 237 1512 if you'd like us to tailor a programme to meet your learning goals.