School program

Where Do I Plug In?

Domestic Technology of the Past

Years 1-8. 90 min

Free for Porirua schools, or $2 per child per programme.

This is a permanent programme for a maximum number of 30 students per session

Try out family life a century ago

Explore family life as it was a century ago (early 1900s). We will stoke up the coal range in our colonial courtyard while your students discover and discuss the great changes that have occurred over time.

There are four or five hands-on activities to choose from (depending upon group sizes)  including:

  • laundry chores
  • dressing up
  • playground games
  • slate-board and ink-pen writing and 
  • a match-up activity using old and new domestic items from the museum's tactile collection

Curriculum Links

Social Sciences - all strands; Technology

Contact us

Email [email protected] or phone (04) 237 3551 if you'd like us to tailor a programme to meet your learning goals.