School programme

Whiti Te Rā!

The story of Ngāti Toa Rangatira

Until 2024 – Years 1-13. 90 min

Free for Porirua schools or $2 per child per programme.

Make connections between taonga and their owners, and the stories and events surrounding them.

Tuhiwai mere pounamu nephrite weapon 1500_1800 Otago maker unknown Gift of the Wineera family

Tuhiwai mere pounamu nephrite weapon 1500_1800 Otago maker unknown Gift of the Wineera family

The interactive exhibition describes the story of the tangata whenua of Porirua – Ngāti Toa Rangatira and their amazing story of successes, struggles and survival over 200 years. Their journey begins with Te Heke Mai Raro (the Southern Migration) in the 1820s and ends with their recent fight for redress over past injustices and Treaty Settlement. 

Unique taonga are featured belonging to the famous leaders/rangatira and women of Ngāti Toa Rangatira. Students will be able to make connections between the taonga on display with their owners and the stories and significant events surrounding them. Also included is a film on the story behind Te Rauparaha’s famous haka Ka Mate.

Curriculum Links

The Arts, Visual Arts: Students will share the ideas, feelings, and stories communicated by their own and others’ objects and images CI.

Social Sciences: Students will understand how the past is important to people. Students will understand how Te Awarua-o-Porirua is significant for individuals and groups. Students will understand how time and change affect people’s lives.

Science: Planet Earth and Beyond – Students will describe how natural features are changed and resources affected by natural events and human actions.

Health: Healthy Communities & Environments – Students will take individual and collective action to contribute to environments that can be enjoyed by all.

Pre & post visit ideas

Locate where Kāwhia Harbour is on a map of New Zealand. How far away is it from Porirua?

Investigate who these people from Ngāti Toa Rangatira are : Te Rangihaeata, Te Rauparaha, Kupe, Rangi Topeora, and why they are important

Research about the early trade between Māori and Pākehā in New Zealand

Study the process of turning harakeke into muka

Find out what a Hei Tiki is

Discover the story behind the Haka and when and why it is used.

Contact us

Email [email protected] or phone (04) 237 3551 if you'd like us to tailor a programme to meet your learning goals.