
WiDance performance in Taku Hoe

Sunday 1 December | 12.30pm–1pm
Front Gallery

To celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities. An interpreted/improvised  response by one of Wellingtons most recognised inclusive dance organisations.

Wellington Inclusive Dance challenges perceptions of disability and celebrates the artistic potential of each individual. Join us at Pātaka as part of the celebrations ahead of ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’ on Tuesday 3 December.

More free events at Pātaka to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Friday 29 November at 1pm

CCS Disability stand-up comedy and poetry performances by local disabled artists.

Venue: Performing Arts Studio

Tuesday 3 December 10am -1pm

A Vaka Tautua Event to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Join whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People, Vaka Tautua, Pacific Partners and Minister for Disability Issues Louise Upston.