Two wāhine artists, connected by a deep affection for materials and their reflection of the whenua, come together for this exhibition. They shape, form, fashion and nuture uku and onerua with a whakapapa to the creation of Hine-ahu-one. In thier roles as kaitiaki, Kim and Java see the uku and onerua in their everyday as a reminder that the whenua is a sensory memory that is renewing.
Image credit: Kim Ireland, (L-R) Hine-nui-te-pō, uku (Dark Matter), Hine-ahu-one, raku, Hine-ahu-one, raku, 2024. Photo: Melissa Bank
Image credit: Java Bentely, Te Rangahau mō te Onerua, Cubeside Annex, Te Pūtahi a Toi, 2023. Photo: Java Bentley