
The Artist’s Needle

Mana Embroiderers’ Guild

5 November – 12 December 2021

The Artist’s Needle features new embroidery works by current members, alongside work completed when the Guild was formed thirty-one years ago.

Initially planned for the 30th anniversary in 2020, the exhibition was delayed by the pandemic, but the Guild are delighted to be sharing their work this year instead. The Artist’s Needle includes embroidery work in traditional methods including Hardanger, cross stitch, crewel work, canvas work, as well as contemporary styles including free-form stitching, sewing machine embroidery, and embellishments.

Displayed for the first time in this exhibition is Mana Whenua, a banner completed by members to commemorate the Guild’s 30th anniversary.

The banner celebrates key features of Mana – the integrity and mana of the coast, hills, flora and fauna, and the colourful boatsheds. Mana Embroiderers’ Guild began informally, as a group of friends who met regularly to share their love of embroidery.

In 1990, the group affiliated with ANZEG (the National Association of NZ Embroiderers’ Guilds), forming the Mana Embroiderers’ Guild. Several of the Foundation Members still stitch with the Guild, and some of their work is included in The Artist’s Needle.