Lindsay Blakeley, Alicja Gear, Jill Sutton and Fran Zukowski have formed a friendship and a creative bond through painting. This is their first exhibition together and includes a landscape work by each artist of the Pauatahanui/Mana area – a place that provides them all with inspiration.
Each artist has come to art through a different route and paints in a variety of styles but landscape and, in particular, the wider Porirua/Wellington area, is a common theme in all of their work.
One of the group’s aims is to encourage other women to explore their own creativity and to ask for society to allow women the space to be seen and heard and their work valued. It can be hard for women to find the space to paint with so many things competing for their time. These four artists express themselves despite – and sometimes because of – the pressures on them. The title of their show reflects that they are four women who paint but they are also for women who paint.