
Kāpiti Camera Club

50 Years of Photography

1 February - 10 March 2019

Bottle Creek Gallery

The Kāpiti Camera Club (based in Porirua) will celebrate its 50th birthday on 24 February 2019. To mark its 50 year history, the club is holding an exhibition at Bottle Creek Gallery from 1 February to 10 March. On display will be a range of work from present and past members. The walls will be adorned with almost 70 images reflecting the many interests, topics and passions of these enthusiastic, amateur photographers. Three tv monitors will play during each day,  one showing members’ digital images, another highlights of the club’s history, and the third a series of short videos from video special interest group members. Items of historical interest such as old cameras and other photographic artefacts will also be on display.

There will also be two early evening workshops/field trips in February that are free and open to the public. For details check the Home page of the Kāpiti Camera Club website:
