
Plimmerton: A Colourful History


Until 11 Nov 2012 A Colourful History LIMITED EDITION BOOK

From Taupo Pa, arrival of the railway, weekend resort and beach baches to the birth of a village, war years, fires galore, skeletons and rusty pistols, Plimmerton has had a fascinating past.

With many photographs, some previously unpublished, early drawings and lithographs, objects and artefacts, posters and postcards, the colourful story of Plimmerton is unravelled.

Who really did arrest Te Rauparaha? How did Plimmerton get its name? Who were the lovers who committed suicide? What happened to the big cheese? Was there a German spy sending shipping information to the enemy? All is revealed!

"Raging fires, espionage, a lovers suicide pact... everything you could want in a good book".

Plimmerton: A Colourful History, availaible from the PATAKA Shop: [email protected] $45 (hardback), $35 (softback)