
Sanap Wantaim – Stand Together

21 JUNE–4 AUGUST 2024

Piksa exhibition bilong ol wok lain husat i sanap wantain long stopim ol sanguma toktok na lukaut long ol tarangu lain.

An exhibition that celebrates indigenous human rights defenders in Papua New Guinea.

Toi Gallery

Tok sanguma em nuipela tok nogut i bin kamap lo Papua Niugini. Dr Paul Wolffram bilong Nui Silan bin sutim ol dispela piksa long EHP, Simbu, na Wabag. Em bin wok wantaim Evelyn Kunda na ol human raits defenda long six pela yia long autim stori bilong ol. Ol piksa bai stap wantaim sampela bilum bilong EHP na Simbu.

Sorcery violence is a new and growing phenomenon in Papua New Guinea. Wellington photographer Dr. Paul Wolffram has been working in the highlands of PNG for the last six years, documenting the work of Evelyn Kunda and other women of the PNG underground network of human rights defenders who rescue and rehabilitate the survivors of sorcery accusation-related violence.

Sanap Wantaim – Stand Together features photographs by Paul Wolffram, Associate Professor of Film at Te Herenga Waka, alongside hand-woven bilum string bags that were created by members of the underground network of human rights defenders.

Image Caption: Evelyn Kunda. Photograph by Paul Wolffram

Drop-In Bilum Weaving Workshops

21 June – 4 August

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10-12 between

Learn the traditional Papua New Guinea artform of bilum weaving with artist and activist Evelyn Kunda as part of the Toi Gallery exhibition Sanap Wantaim: Stand Together. Materials are provided and booking is not necessary.

Stand together for sorcery survivors: Paul Wolffram & Evelyn Kunda

5 Jul 2024
This article first appeared in The Post 12 July, 2024Q&A

Dr Paul Wolfframm and Evelyn Kunda at Pātaka Art and Museum

Dr Paul Wolframm and Evelyn Kunda at the opening of Sanap Wantaim at Pātaka Art + Museum

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