We are a team of enthusiastic, creative individuals committed to delivering high quality, engaging education programmes and events. During the school term, we offer ākonga of all ages a unique educational experience to reflect on one of the most culturally diverse cities in New Zealand – Porirua. Our education staff create positive, relevant and inspiring education programmes for your ākonga, catering to curriculum requirements.
Our Education Team look forward to meeting with you and your ākonga soon.
We currently offer:
We can take groups of up to 30 ākonga, depending on the activity and age range.
Our sessions are usually 90 minutes in length, with the exception of ECE and Year 0-1 age groups which are 30 - 60 minutes.
We offer two taught sessions per day. Our preferred timings are 10.00am -11.30am, 12.30pm to 2pm. This is flexible to accommodate travel to and from Pātaka and timetable restrictions.
Adult ratios to support learning are found in our RAMS and site map form here.
Group and School Bookings at Pātaka
Once we receive a booking request we will be in touch to confirm dates and programme details.
Email [email protected] or phone (04) 237 1512, 0216 32409 if you'd like us to tailor a programme to meet your learning goals.
Email: [email protected]